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When DID Israel cease fire?

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign works for peace & justice for Palestinians, in support of human rights & against all racism
Einas Khalil
Although the BBC and other media are reporting that the ‘cease-fire’ is holding, when did Israel ever cease fire? In the last few days two Palestinian children have been killed in the West Bank. Bahaa Badr – a 13 year old boy – was shot dead by Israeli soldiers, following demonstrations against the occupation. A five year old girl, Einas Khalil, was run over and killed by a settler, it is believed deliberately. No one has been arrested. A video has emerged of Israeli soldiers imprisoning, handcuffing and blindfolding a mentally disabled Palestinian child. More details have also emerged about the torture and death of Raed Al Jabari in Israeli prison. Israel’s waves of attacks and imprisonment of Palestinians continue.
Israeli violence also continues against Palestinians in Gaza. The UN has reported seven incidents in Gaza from 30 September to 13 October where Israeli forces opened fire. One incident caused an injury, and forced Palestinian farmers to leave their agricul­tural land. Israeli forces also made an incursion and levelled Palestinian land in Gaza, report­edly entering up to approximately 150 metres across the border.
On two occasions during the reporting period, Is­raeli naval forces opened warning shots at Palestin­ian fishing boats sailing near the Israeli-declared 6-Nautical-Mile (NM) fishing limit. No injuries were reported. Access restrictions at land and sea continue to undermine the agricultural sector in Gaza, which is the primary source of income for thousands of farmers and fishermen and their fami­lies. See UN OCHA report>
And contrary to the terms of the ceasefire deal signed in August, the blockade of Gaza has not been lifted.

 Live comedy fundraiser


Tuesday 4 November

Red Gallery 1-3 Rivington Street London
Come and enjoy PSC’s second comedy night at the Red Gallery.
This event features a fantastic line up with Alexei Sayle as compere and featuring Jeremy Hardy, Nish Kumar (Stewart Lee’s Alternative Comedy Experience), Tom Allen and more to be announced!
Get your tickets from our website (book now to avoid disappointment – the last show was sold out within days..)
AlexeiCompere – Alexei Sayle

 Historic Palestine vote – how did your MP vote?

As you probably know, on Monday 13th October the British Parliament voted overwhelmingly in favour of recognising Palestine as a state. It is vital that we show MPs that they will be held to account for how they voted: and send a ‘thank you’ if they supported Palestinian recognition, and ask them why they didn’t, if they voted ‘no’ or didn’t vote at all.
Please take action today to send a message to your MP
If you have any problems with the link above please use this:http://act.palestinecampaign.org/lobby/votepalestine

A conversation with Rebecca Vilkomerson from

Jewish Voice for Peace
Tuesday 4 November, central London (venue tbc)
Chaired by Dr Karma Nabulsi, PSC Patron and Professor at University of Oxford
After Gaza: The power of BDS, and the rise of Jewish voices for Palestinian rights
The horrific attacks on Gaza over the summer focused the attention of the world on Israel’s brutality and matrix of control over the Palestinian people. Students, activists, people of conscience, took to the streets to demand an end to this injustice.They also responded to the 2005 Palestinian call for international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel. Activists around the world intensified their BDS actions, from the Block The Boat campaign, and the Presbyterian Church’s decision to divest in the US to the campaigns against Sodastream, G4S and Hewlett Packard in the UK.
Jewish people are increasingly playing a key role in this movement. Jewish Voice for Peace is the largest Jewish organisation in the US which fully backs the BDS call for justice, freedom and equality. They have a membership of 150,000 and reflect the rapidly changing views of the American public. JVP has been at the forefront of winning a number of BDS victories.Rebecca Vilkomerson, JVP’s Executive Director, will discuss the power of BDS, and the increasing number of Jewish voices in solidarity with Palestine. There will be a significant amount of time for a Q&A session and conversation with Rebecca to inspire a new wave of BDS victories.PLEASE BOOK TICKETS HERE: https://palestinecampaign.org/events/jvp/This event is co-hosted by Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Jews For Justice For Palestinians, and King’s College London Action Palestine
Saturday 25 October – Sumud Palestine Conference
Burslem School of Art, Queen Street, Burslem, Stoke on Trent
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Saturday 25 October Plymouth PSC- Sainsbury’s Boycott Action
Sainsbury’s, Mutley Plain, Plymouth
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Monday 27 October – Film Screening: Where Should The Birds Fly – Norwich PSC
The Curve in the Forum, Millennium Plane, Central Norwich
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Wednesday 29 October – Palestine Solidarity and the Trade Unions- Cardiff PSC
Unite Building, Cathedral Road, Cardiff
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Saturday 1st November – Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Workshop – Nottingham PSC
Friends Meeting House, 25 Clarendon Street, Nottingham
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Sunday 2 November – Bristol Sponsored Walk for Palestine
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