Channel 4’s new series The Jump began airing Sunday 26th January 2014. The series is sponsored by SodaStream, which has a factory located in the West Bank settlement of Ma’ale Adumim (the factory is in the settlement’s industrial sector, Mishor Adumim).
This is the web homepage for The Jump, with ‘Sponsored by SodaStream’ prominent on the right hand side:
More info on the deal:
Please write to Channel 4 to point out the inappropriateness of signing a sponsorship deal with a company whose factory is located on stolen land, whose water resources are stolen (80% of the water drilled in the West Bank goes to settlements), which pays taxes to an illegal settlement thereby helping it to grow and sustain itself, whose presence in the West Bank, along with the settlements, helps to destroy the Palestinian economy, and whose complicity in the theft of Palestinian land means there is little or no land left for a Palestinian state.
The settlement of Ma’ale Adumim is built on the land of seven destroyed Palestinian villages – Abu Dis, Azarya, Atur, Issauya, Han El-Akhmar, Anata and Nebbi Muss.
The email address to write to is: [email protected]
Registering a high volume of complaints about this deal should make them think twice about working with SodaStream again, and this will be important in the BDS campaign against SodaStream.
If you’re interested in PSC’s current campaigns against SodaStream (including targeting John Lewis), please see our latest update: