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Hold your candidates to account during the European Elections, and help gather information which will help Palestine supporters decide how to vote.

Ask your MEP candidates their views on some crucial issues:

Please ask your MEP candidates to fill in our questionnaire>

Please remember that the further up the list they are the more likely they are to be elected (ie. no1 is most likely to be elected, 2 second most likely etc).

You can also use our model letter>

This gives links to all the  MEP candidates in your region. Not sure what region you are in? Check here>

Find out your views of your MEP candidates, or contact them today.

See below for details of your MEP candidates are and if they’ve responded

You can also read our EU briefing for the EU elections>


Martin Callanan MEP   Email             Website
llr Ben Houchen          Email  Twitter
Andrew Lee               Email  01937 830306


Judith Kirton-Darling Read responses>
Jayne Shotton Twitter
Paul Brannen    Read responses>

Shirley Ford               Read Shirley’s responses>
lison Whalley         Read Alison’s responses>
Caroline Robinson

Liberal Democrat
Angelika Schneider     Twitter>   Facebook>  Website>  Responses>
Owen Temple                Twitter>       Email>            Website>
Christian Vassie          Read responses>  Twitter>       Email>            Website> 


Jonathan Arnott       Read responses>
Richard Elvin             Twitter>             Facebook>           Website>
John Tennant     Twitter>

We have focused on the major parties most likely to win seats. For a full list visit this link>