Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is an international week of action that has taken place for the last 17 years in over 200 universities and cities around the world. It aims to raise public awareness about Israel’s racial discrimination against all parts of the Palestinian people, which amounts to the crime of apartheid under international law. This week allows us to amplify Palestinian voices, build BDS campaigns, and show solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for justice.
In 2023, the theme of Israeli Apartheid Week is ‘People Against Apartheid’: aiming to highlight intersectional and grassroots struggles against apartheid. Israeli Apartheid Week seeks to link campaigns organising around liberation, decolonisation and racial justice – from Palestine to Black Lives Matter, across the world.
Here in Britain, Israeli Apartheid Week is a chance for university campaigns to raise awareness about their work, launch new campaigns, and link with other organisations to fight to kick #ApartheidOffCampus.
We will be delivering workshops on divestment and Apartheid Off Campus campaigns in universities throughout Israeli Apartheid Week and beyond – get in touch if you’d like to host a workshop at your university.
Get involved!
- Come to our PalSoc Forum on the 8th March to hear from campaigners at other universities about their plans for Israeli Apartheid Week – make sure you’ve registered on Zoom to attend.
- Host your own workshops, art installations and talks! Remember to tag us in any of your events on social media @pscyouth / @palestinesolidarityuk, and use our guide for student organisers if you need help planning or contacting speakers.
- Join your local PSC branch, or hold your own action to demand Barclays stop arming Israel as part of the national day of action on Saturday 25th March.