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On Wednesday 27th November (from 2pm-6pm) hundreds of supporters will gather together in Parliament to call on MPs to take action for Palestinian human rights and against ethnic cleansing and racism. Make sure you are there!

At the national Lobby of Palestine for Parliament we will be campaigning for Government and parliament to apply the principles of equality, human rights and international law when it comes to Israel.

The most powerful way to let your MP know you care about Palestine is to ask them to meet you to discuss it. When lots of people from around the UK arrange to meet their MPs in Parliament on the same day, it is known as a lobby day and alerts all MPs to the fact that lots of people care about the issue.

We will be campaigning for:

MPs to challenge ethnic cleansing and discriminatory policies
Ask MPs to support the campaign against the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian Bedouin from their homes and land in the Naqab (also known as the Negev desert) in Israel

Ban settlement goods Israel’s illegal settlements are built on Palestinian land. The UN, EU and UK acknowledge that these settlements are harmful and illegal – but if they are illegal, what are goods produced in settlements doing in our shops?

Respect for prisoners’ rights and an end to Israel’s illegal treatment of Palestinian prisoners, including children
Ask your MP to challenge imprisonment without charge or trial and to press for proper medical care. Ask them to pledge support for an end the abuse of Palestinian children.

An end to the siege on Gaza
The blockade of Gaza started in 2007 and continues today. Israel severely restricts Palestinians’freedom of movement; blocks almost all exports and restricts imports, creating a humanitarian catastrophe. Tell your MP it is time to end the blockade of Gaza.

What to do now:

When you’ve organised your meeting with your MP, let us know by filling in our online form or emailing [email protected].