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Press Release: Parliamentary press conference on right to protest

Palestine march organisers call press conference in Parliament to respond to attacks on the right to protest Representatives of the coalition organising the national Palestine marches, along with MPs and civil liberties organisations, will hold a press conference tomorrow morning (Wednesday 28 February 2024) in Parliament to address the growing attacks on the right to …

Press Release: Online Rally for Palestine

Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) to hold an online Rally for Palestine on Tuesday March 7th in response to the increasing intensity of repression of Palestinians by Israel’s far right extremist government Rally will hear from Palestinian speakers from inside Palestine and from UK speakers who will address the inadequacy of the UK response, including John …

PSC Launch of #VotePalestine

Palestine Solidarity Campaign today launched the mass campaign to canvass the views of every candidate to the General Election on the 8th June 2017. Voters around the UK will be contacting their local candidates, asking them for their views on Palestine and to find out their level of support for Palestinian human rights. This is …

Take action: Israeli settlement football teams

Take action: Ask your MP to sign this EDM on Israeli settlement football teams Please contact your MP now and ask them to sign Early Day Motion 811 and raise the issue of FIFA recognising football teams from illegal Israeli settlements. The link to the EDM and the signatories so far:  https://www.parliament.uk/edm/2016-17/811 Find your MP https://www.theyworkforyou.com/ …

Report: Cross party parliamentary panel on Gaza

To mark the 2nd  anniversary since the start of operation protective edge – the Israeli bombardment of Gaza during the 2014 summer, PSC with the support of Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP), organised a cross-party panel event in Parliament. The event, chaired by SNP’s Dr Philippa Whitford MP, was an inspiring morning, with moving talks …

Richard Burden MP

Local Government Ethical Procurement – debate in Parliament

Debate in Westminster Hall 2.30-4.00, 15.3.16: Local Government – Ethical Procurement The full text can be found at: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201516/cmhansrd/cm160315/halltext/160315h0001.htm#16031557000002 continued at: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201516/cmhansrd/cm160315/halltext/160315h0002.htm You can watch the whole debate on Hansard video at: http://parliamentlive.tv/Event/Index/713a75dd-f279-42c3-9847-e2d2bd401fa5 Below is a report with extracts [ <> ] In a 90-minute debate in Westminster Hall, chaired by Gary Streeter, MPs debated …