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PSC Nakba Week Campaign Resource Pack

Download here: PSC Nakba Week Resource Pack 2016

This pack has been put together to assist you in facilitating your own Nakba week events and campaigning activities. It contains suggestions of films for film screenings, and videos, factsheets and articles for sharing.

Use the resources in this pack to talk to your friends, colleagues, family about the Nakba.

  • Share the information in this pack during Nakba Week by email or on social media: Facebook, Twitter etc.
  • Join us at the events held around the country, the full list is here
  • Get involved with PSC to campaign for Palestinian Human Right all year round!

If you wish to receive a Nakba Week resources pack by mail please use this form. This contains various factsheets relevant to the Nakba and campaigning; leaflets, articles, badges and stickers.