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Nakba: then and now – Palestine from 1948 to today

Day-School Conference – Saturday 14th May 2016

To register: www.palestinecampaign.org/events/day-school-conference/  

Join us at London’s Mander Hall for a Day-School Conference on the Nakba: Then and Now. Supported by the NUT.

Prof. Nur Masalha, a Palestinian historian currently based at SOAS University of London, will speak about the history and meaning of the Nakba. Masalha was formerly Professor of Religion and Politics and Director of the Centre for Religion and History, St Mary’s University, London. He is the author of many books on Palestine-Israel.

Dr. Aimee Shalan will chair the plenary session. Shalan is Director of Friends of Birzeit University and Co-Director of Pressure Cooker Arts. Previously, she was Director of Advocacy at Medical Aid for Palestinians and Head of Education at the Council for Arab British Understanding. She has a doctorate in the Politics of Palestinian Literature.

Awad Abdelfattah is the General Secretary of the Palestinian National Democratic Assembly party (formerly Balad), who represent Palestinians with Israeli citizenship in the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament. Palestinian political parties suffer ongoing political repression from the Israeli government.

Salma Karmi-Ayyoub is a policy member of Al-Shabaka, a criminal barrister and external consultant for the Palestinian human rights organisation Al Haq. Karmi-Ayyoub continues to work with human rights organisations and solicitors’ firms on legal projects concerning Palestine and has a particular interest in the question of Palestine and the International Criminal Court. She is co-chair of Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights.

Ahmed Masoud is an award-winning writer, director and academic. Born in Gaza, Masoud is now based in the UK, and has written a number of plays and books, including the novel Vanished – The Mysterious Disappearance of Mustafa Ouda.

Workshops will be held on the following subjects:

  • Education with Kiri Tunks of the NUT
  • Media with Amena Saleem of the PSC
  • BDS with Salim Alim and Leah Levane of the PSC
  • Refugees with Palestinian activist Akram Salhab

Registration costs £3 for non-students. Please use the form below to complete your booking.

The conference is free for students. To reserve your place, please email  [email protected] with the subject line ‘Day-School Conference’, your university and the names of those attending. 
