Nakba Day Commemoration: ‘Registered Alive’ at the Courtyard Theatre, London – Sunday 15th May 2016 On Sunday 15th May Palestinians around the world commemorated 68 years of their catastrophe – their forced removal from their homes and lands to which they have never been allowed to return. In London PSC marked the day with a …
The anniversary of the Palestinians’ dispossession and violent removal from their indigenous land in 1948 will be commemorated across the globe this weekend. Across continents, from Australia to South America, Europe to Africa and North America, events will be held on 15 May to mark what is known to Palestinians as the Nakba. In London, …
Nakba: then and now – Palestine from 1948 to today Day-School Conference – Saturday 14th May 2016 To register: Join us at London’s Mander Hall for a Day-School Conference on the Nakba: Then and Now. Supported by the NUT. Prof. Nur Masalha, a Palestinian historian currently based at SOAS University of London, will speak about the …
Palestine Solidarity Campaign has launched a series of events and actions to mark the 68th anniversary of the Palestinians’ loss of their land when the state of Israel was created in 1948. The loss, known by Palestinians as the Nakba or ‘catastrophe’, was a violent dispossession and removal of the native Palestinian population from their towns and …
Join us for Nakba Week Please join us for Nakba Week of Action, a series of events and actions commemorating the Nakba (‘Catastrophe’ in English) the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. During the creation of the state of Israel, around 750,000 (90%) Palestinians were driven out of their homes and never allowed to return. Whilst the rights to campaign for …