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Join us for Nakba Week

Please join us for Nakba Week of Action, a series of events and actions commemorating the Nakba (‘Catastrophe’ in English) the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. During the creation of the state of Israel, around 750,000 (90%) Palestinians were driven out of their homes and never allowed to return. Whilst the rights to campaign for Palestinian rights is being questioned by some in politics, the rights of these refugees to return is being forgotten.Please help us to put Palestinian human rights centre-stage of the political agenda. 

We are producing resources for the Nakba Week of Action, and have just posted an exclusive article by Ben White – Nakba: from 1948 to today. Please visit our website to find all the information and resources and get involved in the events and actions. Make sure that everyone you know understands what the Nakba means to the Palestinians.

NAKBA: THEN AND NOW Saturday 14 May 
Day-School Conference in LondonFeaturing Palestinian speakers such as renowned historian Prof Nur Masalha;  Salma Karmi-Ayyoub, co-chair of Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights; Awad Abdelfattah, General Secretary of the Palestinian National Democratic Assembly (Balad Party in Israel);  Dr. Aimee ShalanDirector of Friends of Birzeit University and Ahmed Masoud award-winning writer and director from Gaza, among many others.The day will feature a series of workshops on BDS, the Media, Refugees and Education, led by a series of specialists in each field.Register now

Events will be taking place across the UK, with talks, film screenings and concerts, including a commemorative evening in London“Registered Alive”, on Nakba Day Sunday 15 May, featuring renowned actor Maxine Peake and Al Zaytouna Dance Theatre, for a specially curated event designed to provide an opportunity for all of us to come together and pause to reflect on Palestine’s vivid culture.

Click here for more information about Nakba Week of Action

Keep Taking Action

Last week we asked you to contact your MP telling them to take action to help save two Palestinian villages under imminent threat of demolition. 94% of MPs (613) have been contacted with a total of 4624 emails sent. We know that since receiving emails, MPs have already questioned the Foreign Office over its lack of action on this issue.But we need to make more noise to ensure this is issue cannot be ignored.

We need to do everything we can to stop the Israeli forces sending the bulldozers in to the village of Susiya in the West Bank, and the Bedouin village of Um Al Hiran in the Northern Negev.

Both these villages face impending demolition to make way for new planned villages for Jewish Israelis only. These policies are inherently and deliberately racist: they are destroying the homes of one the ethnic group in order to make way for another.If you haven’t already done so,please take action today and email your MP, urging them to take action to save these Palestinian homes from demolition.
Email your MP