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On 26 November 2022 Barclays faced yet more protests at its local branches across Britain.

From Edinburgh to Brighton campaigners demanded that the bank end its investments and provision of financial services to companies supplying weapons and military technology to Israel, used in armed attacks on Palestinians.

Research by PSC, War on Want, and Campaign Against Arms Trade has identified that Barclays invests over £1.3billion in such companies. The companies includes Elbit Systems, an Israeli arms manufacturer which provides 85% of the drones used by the Israeli military, and General Dynamics, which produces gun systems that arm Israel’s F-16 and F-35 fighter jets, utilised in Israel’s repeated aerial bombardments of the besieged Gaza Strip.

Barclays will continue to face protests until it ends its complicity in Israeli apartheid!

If you’re a Barclays customer join the campaign by handing in our template letter at your local branch. If you’re a member of the public send an email to Barclays’ senior management here.