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 For immediate release

On Saturday 9 February, protesters will be taking action outside branches of Sainsburys and other supermarkets around the UK. Palestinian agricultural organisations and the Palestinian BDS National Committee have called for the launching of worldwide campaigns on February 9 against Israeli agricultural export corporations in light of their deep complicity in Israel’s ongoing violations of international law and Palestinian human rights.

Sarah Colborne, Director of Palestine Solidarity Campaign, said: ‘consumers standing up for human rights and international law will be campaigning outside more than 35 local supermarkets on Saturday 9 February. They will be protesting at the stocking of goods from companies which operate in Israel’s illegal settlements, and which profit from Israel’s illegal occupation. Over 3500 letters are being sent by shoppers to the CEOs of the main UK supermarkets, to coincide with these local actions, urging them to act ethically and follow the Cooperative supermarket’s lead in refusing to trade with companies which export goods from Israel’s illegal settlements.’


For more details of local actions: https://palestinecampaign.org/events/farming-injustice-saturday-9-feb/

For further information on the campaign: https://palestinecampaign.org/campaigns/agricultural-produce/

For the Palestinian call to end farming injustice: http://www.bdsmovement.net/2013/farming-injustice-feb9-call-10352


Press contact: Sarah Colborne [email protected]