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Support Palestinian Prisoners – Sign our petition to G4S now
Following a very successful protest last Thursday at G4S’ London HQ, marking International Day for Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners, please take action to tell G4S: end your involvement in Israeli human rights abuses!
Please sign our petition to G4S’ CEO.
Protest against war criminal Tzipi Livni’s visit – Thursday 15 May in London
Israeli politician, Tzipi Livni, will be speaking at a Jewish National Fund event on the evening of Thursday 15th May in London (location to be confirmed).
Livni was one of the architects of the Israeli attack on Gaza 2008/09 which led to the deaths of 1,417 Palestinians – 313 of them children – and injured 5,303.
15 May is the day – the Nakba – when Palestinians mourn their losses – of loved ones, land, homes and country – which began in 1948 and continues until today.
Put the evening of Thursday 15th May in your diary and please help us protest against Livni’s visit.
Register with us to receive more details of the protest:
Palestine takes centre stage at NUT Conference
Report from Prof Kamel Hawwash, Vice Chair PSC: CLICK HERE
Photo album: CLICK HERE
Over 1000 members of the National Teachers Union (NUT) met in Brighton over the Easter weekend for their annual conference. The main international issue featured throughout the weekend was solidarity with Palestine, with speakers, events and a motion in support of Palestinian Human Rights and the work of PSC.
Prof Kamel Hawwash and Bernard Regan, both members of the PSC National Executive committee, spoke at the event, to highlight Israel’s ongoing abuses and breaches of International Law. One aspect which featured prominently was the treatment of Palestinian children at the hands of the Israeli Army and authorities, particularly children detained in Israeli military prisons.
On Sunday morning Palestine was the main international issue of the conference, with an hour dedicated to the report from the NUT Delegation to Palestine last October, a live Skype link with Nadim Makhalfa from the General Union of Palestinian Teachers, and the overwhelmingly carried motion on Palestine. The motion is calling for boycott of complicit companies in line with TUC policy, calls for support for PSC and Action for Palestinian Children, and included an amendment denouncing Israel’s Pinkwashing!
Israel Bombs Gaza After Unity Agreement
On Wednesday 24 April, Israel bombed Gaza, wounding 12 including children, just after a unity agreement was signed in Gaza between Hamas and a delegation from the West Bank, including representatives from Fatah, and Mustafa Barghouti from the Palestinian National Initiative.
Kamel Hawwash, PSC Vice-Chair, said: ‘I welcome the reconciliation agreement between Fatah and Hamas which was made yesterday both as a Palestinian and as the Vice-Chair of PSC. The division which started seven years ago has been damaging to the Palestinian cause. The agreement includes plans for democratic elections, destroying the myth of Israel as the only democracy in the Middle East. If Israel is serious about peace it would axel come Palestinian unity. A strong united people and leadership will ensure a just peace deal is negotiated and implemented.’
Listen to Kamel Hawwash on Radio 5 Live here (1:50 in)
Stand up for Palestine! Book your tickets now
Tuesday 3rd June 2014 at Red Gallery
3 Rivington Street, EC2A 3DT, London
Join us for Live Comedy – a PSC fundraiser.
and many more to be announced!
Advance £15 / £10 Concession
On the door: £18 / £12 Concession
Get your tickets direct from PSC>
Pay by card over the phone 02077006192
Find us:
Twitter: SUF_Palestine
Stewart Lee
News and events
Israel Arrests 6 Year Old Boy | ISM
Watch: Former Prisoner and hunger-striker Samer Issawi speaks | PSC
Israel tightens grip around Al-Aqsa Mosque | Al Jazeera
Palestinian prisoners ready for mass hunger strike | Electronic Intifada
Earth Day Network cuts ties with Sodastream | End the Occupation
Thursday 24 April – Palestine is still the issue with Prof Ilan Pappe – St George’s Catholic Church Parish Hall, 1 Sansome Place, WR1 1UG, Worcester Read More
Saturday 26 April – Fortnightly Sodastream Protest Outside John Lewis – 300 Oxford Street, London

Read More

Saturday 26 April – Weekly Protest Against Sodastream in Brighton, 142 Western Road
Tuesday 29 April – Film Screening: Road Map to Apartheid, at Passing Clouds in London Read More
Monday 5 May – Film screening: The Stones Cry Out – The untold story of the Palestinian Christians, in Milton Keynes
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