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Palestinian Women Prisoners
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Today, Friday 8th March, is International Women’s Day. Since Israel occupied the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza Strip in 1967, an estimated 10,000 Palestinian women have been arrested or detained under Israeli military orders.

Write to the Foreign Secretary today and ask him to:

  • ensure that the Israeli Authorities don’t violate the terms of the historic prisoner release by re-arresting those who were released
  • rigorously oppose Israel’s use of Administrative Detention – holding Palestinian prisoners without charge or trial must be stopped.
Shereen Issawi
Shireen Issawi, as well as previously being imprisoned herself, leads calls for the release of her brother, Samer
The majority of Palestinian women prisoners are subjected to mental pressure and torture through the process of their arrest. Harsh imprisonment conditions, such as the lack of fresh air, sunlight, cold damp cells in the winter and overheated cells in the summer, insects, dirt and overcrowding, combined with stress, poor diet and isolation from families all negatively impact on women’s health. Read the stories of Shireen Issawi, Hana Shalabi – who led the hungerstrike movement, Reema Oleyyan Awad and Kifah Awni Othman Qatash.
Gaza – hear from leading women activists
If you want to help PSC build the solidarity campaign through conferences for activists then donate today Donate now
Gaza Conference, London, Saturday 13th April 2013
Women activists will be leading discussions in PSC’s Gaza Conference in April. Maha Rezeq, a Palestinian activist from Gaza, Dr Ghada Karmi, a leading academic on Palestine, will join Diana Alzeer, Palestinian journalist and academic and former MP, Dr Phyllis Starkey to discuss transforming public support into political action on Palestine.
Justice for Palestinian Women
On the International Women’s Day, the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights has issued a special call for Palestinian women, who suffer from both the Israeli practices and violations and violence from within the Palestinian society, and:


  1. Calls upon the international community to fulfill its obligations towards the occupied Palestinian people, and to take steps to end the suffering of Palestinian civilians, especially women;
  2. Calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to fulfill their obligations under the Convention by compelling Israel to respect the Convention and ensure protection to Palestinian civilians, including women;
  3. Calls upon the Palestinian National Authority to take serious measures in order to stop killings related to the practice of “family honour” and to ensure that punishment of the perpetrators of such crimes is proportional to their seriousness

Morrison’s dodge questions on labelling scandal
Morrison’s supermarket have failed to answer serious questions posed by senior politicians, trade unionists, PSC patrons and campaign leaders. They have remained silent on whether or not they have independently investigated the source of dates, after concerns were raised that they may have been grown and were certainly packaged in an illegal Israeli settlement.
News and events
Young man dies of wounds | PNN
A young Palestinian has died following injuries sustained in Israel’s attack on demonstrators
Samer Issawi on Palestinian struggle | The Guardian
Hunger striker Samer Issawi writes about how his hunger-strike is part of the struggle for justice
UNICEF: Israel mistreats children | Ma’an News
Sodastream | EI
Soda stream has resorted to manipulation and misinformation to stay on sale in British stores, says PSC’s Amena Saleem

8 March| Fair trade events | Stroud & Cheltenham

8 March | Screening: 5 Broken Cameras | Abergavenny
9 March | Event: day for Palestine| Portsmouth
9 March | Protest Against Sodastream | Brighton
until 9 March | My Name is Rachel Corrie |Scotland
14 March | Talk: Baroness Tonge| Kent
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