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The Palestine Solidarity Campaign works for peace & justice for Palestinians, in support of human rights & against all racism
Time to lobby your Euro candidates on Palestine
On 22nd May you will get the chance to decide which political Party to support for the European Elections. We would encourage you to find out what the candidates views are on Palestinian human rights before casting your ballot. It is worth noting that those at the top of the list are most likely to be elected.
Use our interactive tool to find out who your MEP candidates are and email them today. Please ask your MEP candidates to fill in our questionnaire to share their views.
Euro Parliament
Kerry reopens the debate on Israel’s Apartheid
This week US Secretary of State, John Kerry. said Israel was at risk of becoming an Apartheid State – a remark he said he ‘regretted’ after coming under pressure from the pro-Israel lobby. Donate now
disappearing Palestine
This is available for order as a postcard via the office – 020 7700 6192. Plus view 11 infographics help to explain Israeli Apartheid
Desmond Tutu was asked about his remarks and said:
I go and I visit the Holy Land and I see things that are a mirror image of the sort of things I experienced under the apartheid. How can you stop me from the right to describe as I feel? You go anywhere in the world and if I see things that mirror the kind of experience that I know first hand I think it’s a cheek in a way for someone else to tell you ‘no you are wrong in feeling as you feel about what you have seen.”
Meanwhile, on the day the Kerry talks are due to expire, the PLO negotiations unit revealed Israel’s violations during their 9 months duration.
  • 61 Palestinians have been killed
  • 1054 have been injured
  • 3674 have been arrested
  • There have been 675 settler attacks and 999 attacks on Palestinian property
  • 508 Palestinian properties have been demolished
  • 14,000 settler housing units have been advanced to accommodate 55,000 illegal settlers
  • An entire Palestinian community (home to 120) was erased
No sanctions were taken against Israel during that time.
After Kerry: what next for Palestine?
A Question and Answer discussion
6pm-7.30pm, Wednesday, 7th May,
Committee Room 5, House of Commons, London
Please join the Palestinian Ambassador, Prof Manuel Hassassian; Chair of Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Hugh Lanning, and host, Grahame Morris MP, for a special discussion to reflect on the end of the John Kerry-led negotiations, and what the next steps should be to secure Palestinian human rights.

Attendance will be on a first come first served basis

UK Government cover up for Tzipi Livni
and her crimes
disappearing Palestine
Hands up Livni! Photo attribution: tzipilivni2009
Last time Tzipi Livni visited the UK, in Autumn 2011, it is believed she received ‘special mission status’ from the UK Government, which is a stay out of jail free card, granting immunity from prosecution or arrest to those wanted for war crimes. It is thought that six people have been granted ‘special mission status’ by the government since March 2013, at least two of them from Israel.
But such is the wish to save face that the Government has this week announced, in answer to a question from Shadow Justice Minister, Andy Slaughter MP, that it is unwilling to give any information about those individuals granted or refused special mission status – or even to say what countries they are from.
Livni is due to visit the UK again on Thursday 15th May – to speak at a Jewish National Fund event in London. To add insult to injury, this event is being held on Nakba Day – the day Palestinians commemorate the ethnic cleansing they have experienced since 1948. Given the UK Government’s complicity with Livni’s crimes it is vital that we demonstrate what the British people really feel about her record of war crimes.
Join us on Nakba Day in the evening to protest against her visit. Sign up on our website:
News and events
Palestinian prisoners | Addameer
A factsheet on Palestine’s elected political prisoners – inside Israel’s jails
Bill Gates – an investor in G4S – refuses to accept responsibility for aiding Israel’s prisons | EI

Tear up the call up | IMEMC

The State of Israel is attempting to divide the Palestinian people by calling up Palestinian Christians living in Israel for military service. Church leaders tell them to ‘tear up’ their call up papers.
A 6 year old child is arrested by Israeli soldiers | ISM
Sat 3 May – Sainsbury’s action in CambridgeRead More
Sat 3 May – Sheffield Sainsbury’s ActionRead More
Sat 3 May – Protest Against Sodastream in BrightonRead More
Sat 3 May – Film Screening: Kafr Kassem – Hammersmith London Read More
Sun 4 May – Walk the Tyne for Palestine, 2014 Sponsored WalkRead More
Mon 5 May – Film screening: The Stones Cry Out – The untold story of the Palestinian Christians – Milton Keynes Read More
Tues 6 May – Film Screening: The Stones Cry Out – The Story of the Palestinian Christians – Leeds Read More
Sat 10 May – London BDS Sodastream Action Outside John LewisRead More
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