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Free Palestinian Prisoners – join the campaign
Become part of the solidarity movement for Palestine – join Palestine Solidarity Campaign today.
Over 4,812 Palestinians are currently detained by Israel; 12 of them women, 219 of them children, and 178 of them held in administrative detention – without charge or trial. Read more from Addameer, Palestinian prisoner rights’ organisation.
Palestine Solidarity Campaign has joined the global campaign focusing on the release of prisoners held on administrative detention. Ask your MP to raise the issue in Parliament and join our actions on 17th April – Palestinian Prisoners’ Day.
SAD poster
BBC admits failings in Rachel Corrie reporting
Rachel Corrie
Rachel Corrie was killed by an Israeli bulldozer whilst trying to protect Palestinian homes
After seven months of lobbying by PSC and PSC members, the BBC has conceded that Martha Kearney was not ‘duly accurate’ when she said on Radio 4 that Israeli soldiers had died on the same day as Rachel Corrie. No Israeli soldiers died that day. However, with breathtaking hypocrisy, the BBC Trust has said that she was right to mention the fabricated deaths as this provided ‘context’, and right not to mention Palestinians killed the same day as this was not relevant information.
The Trust’s ruling comes days after the BBC aired a Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) appeal for Syria, four years after it refused to air a similar appeal for Gaza.
Mavi Marmara to be discussed at Gaza Conference
On 22 March, Israel was forced to offer an historic apology and compensation for those it killed and wounded on the Mavi Marmara, which Israeli commandos attacked in international waters. Sarah Colborne, PSC’s Director and one of those on board the Mavi Marmara, pointed out it was an admission of guilt by Israel, and that legal processes underway in a number of countries must continue ‘so justice for the victims can be achieved, regardless of an apology by the head of the responsible state’ Sarah said. The response from families of those killed by Israeli commandos was clear – the trial against those responsible will continue in Turkey.
Participate in PSC’s Conference – Saturday 13th April, London
Palestine Solidarity Campaign is holding a major conference on Gaza to discuss how to increase political pressure to break the isolation and siege on Gaza, and share learning for the solidarity movement on developing campaigns for Palestinian rights.
News and events
Christians & Muslims need permission to Pray | Middle East Monitor
Retired Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Archbishop Michal Sabbah, has pointed out that Christians and Muslims living in the Holy Land “have needed military permission to pray since 1993”.
Israeli Armed Forces spray skunk at village | Middle East Monitor
Obama could take action | Guardian
Gerald Kaufman MP says the fact Obama could takes action makes it more deplorable that he doesn’t.

30 March | Sodastream protest | Brighton
3 April | Film: ‘When I saw you’ + Director Q&A | central London
8 April | Film: ‘Gaza Calling’ + Director Q&A | London
Attack on UCU union’s pro-Palestine policy defeated | EI
A lecturer who took a legal case against his union, opposing its stance on Palestinian rights, lost on all grounds.
PCC rules against U.S. pro-Israel lobby complaint | The Guardian
CIFWatch has lost its case against the Guardian’s assertion that the West Bank will be ‘cut in two’ and East Jerusalem divided from the West Bank if settlement expansion goes ahead.
Britain needs to make amends to the people of Palestine | Govt e-petition

11 April-18 May | Palestinian exhibition: Resilience & Light | Canterbury
From 11 April | London Palestine Film Festival preview | London
2 May | An evening for PSC | London
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