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1. Caroline Lucas: Pursuant to the answer of 3 December, how many times have Foreign Secretary and his officials called on Israel to open up legal trade for Gaza in each of the last three years; will he make an assessment of whether the Israeli restrictions are compliant with the human rights conditions in Article 2 of the EU-Israel Association agreement; and will he make a statement?

Commons Written Answers

2. Lord Hylton: Following the recent report by the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the OTs, what action will HMG take to help prevent epidemics in Gaza arising from the closure of the power station due to fuel shortages?

Lords Written Answers


1. Foreign Secretary to attend 16 December Foreign Affairs Council where, in support of the ongoing talks on the MEPP, the UK “will press for a firm offer of EU economic and security incentives to both parties in the event of a deal, while making clear our concern at the possibility of actions that might damage the progress of these negotiations”.

Commons Written Statements

2. Baroness Tonge: What discussions have HMG held with Israel concerning the case for intervention on humanitarian grounds in Gaza?

3. Baroness Tonge: What assessment have HMG made of the ability of essential health services in Gaza, such as operating theatres, to function through fuel shortages there?

4. Baroness Tonge: How do HMG assess the risks of cholera, typhus and polio for the population of Gaza and what assessment have they made of the adequacy of plans for emergency vaccination?

5. Baroness Tonge: What assessment have HMG made of food availability in Gaza?

6. Baroness Tonge: Has HMG planned any ministerial visit to assess the humanitarian situation at first hand in Gaza?

Nos 2-6

Lords Written Answers


1. Sir Menzies Campbell: What assessment has Foreign Secretary made of progress on Middle East Peace negotiations, following the resignation of the Palestinian peace negotiators on 14 November 2013?

2. Sir Menzies Campbell: What recent steps has FCO taken to dissuade Israel from building more settlements that lie within the established pre-1967 boundaries?


1. Tributes to Nelson Mandela: Of 70 MPs a small handful only said that our best tribute to Mandela would be to carry his legacy forward in other parts of the world. Alistair Burt and Hilary Benn did not specify; Charles Kennedy and Nia Griffith referred to the Middle East. Some, like Richard Ottaway, seemed to go out of their way not to mention Palestine, a few others did:

–  Michael Ellis: “Mr Mandela was always a strong supporter of the Palestinian people. I echo remarks made by Members on both sides of the House about how we now must look for leaders of a similar stature—I hope that that is possible—who can take the lead in , and who can, like a colossus as Nelson Mandela was, bestride both sides of the argument. It will take someone of Mandela’s ilk to work towards reconciliation in those parts of the world. Nelson Mandela was always firm about Israel’s right to a peaceful existence, but he strongly supported the cause of the Palestinian people. In his work for reconciliation, he chose not to dig up the hatred and the anger, which are so justified in many cases. He famously said, “Those who wish to foster recrimination and hatred are like people who take poison expecting it to injure their enemies.””

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– David  Winnick: “Nelson Mandela would have had a loathing of anti-Semitism while at the same time supporting the Palestinian cause. He would have recognised that the Palestinian cause is another injustice that must be righted at some stage—and the earlier the better.”

– Elfyn Llwyd: “May I remind the Chamber that he also said that there will never be world peace without a resolution of the Palestinian conflict? Perhaps the greatest tribute that we can pay him is to redouble our efforts to achieve that in his glorious memory.”

– Jeremy Corbyn: “He was deeply concerned about the plight of the Palestinian people and sent them messages of support, not because he wanted the conflict to continue but because he wanted it to end.”

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– Chris Ruane: “I believe that, if enough attention were paid to the matter, what he did for blacks and whites in South Africa could also be done for Shi’as and Sunnis, for Christians and Muslims, for Jews and Palestinians and, in our own country, for Protestants and Catholics.”

– Andrew Lansley: “.. using those principles of reconciliation and forgiveness around the world in areas as far apart as Korea and Syria and in the Israel-Palestine conflict.”.

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Commons Debates

2. Ann Main: With reference to the answers of 11 June 2012 and 17 December 2012, what recent contact and discussions has the British Ambassador to Israel had with the Negev Coexistence Forum?

3. Ann Main: Do FCO Ministers plan to visit the unrecognised Bedouin villages of the Negev?

Nos 2-3

Commons Written Answers

4. Baroness Tonge:  Do HMG intend to take any action to lift the blockade of Gaza?

5. Lord Turnberg: What encouragement are HMG giving to PA to accept Mr Netanyahu’s invitation for Mr Abbas to address the Knesset?

Nos 4-5 Lords Written Answers