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Free Palestinian Prisoners – join the campaign
Become part of the solidarity movement for Palestine – join Palestine Solidarity Campaign today.


Palestinians have been united it their grief and outrage at the death of Palestinian prisoner, Maysara Abu Hamdiyeh. It appears that he suffered from medical neglect with his cancer untreated for several years. Read more here>
Palestine Solidarity Campaign has joined the global campaign focusing on the plight of Palestinian prisoners. Prisoner rights organisation, Adameer, has asked that we take up the issue of administrative detention – where prisoners are held without charge or trial, sometimes for years. Read more from Addameer. Ask your MP to raise the issue in Parliament and join our actions on 17th April – Palestinian Prisoners’ Day.
SAD poster
Urgent need to increase solidarity
Rachel Corrie
Participate in PSC’s Conference – Saturday 13th April, London
Join our major conference on Gaza to discuss how to increase political pressure to break the isolation and siege on Gaza, and develop our campaigns for Palestinian rights.
“The escalation in violence from the Israeli Forces demands an increase in global solidarity” says Sarah Colborne, Director of Palestine Solidarity Campaign, ahead of PSC’s Conference. At a time when the UK Government has raised concerns about the deaths of Palestinian teenagers – now is the time to increase the pressure on Government to take action.
Human rights defenders: Raji Sourani, Director of Palestinian Centre for Human Rights; Dr Mona El Farra, Director of Gaza Projects and Jamal Juma from Stop the Wall have been invited to lead discussions at PSC’s Conference to deepen our understanding of the political campaigns for Gaza and Palestinian human rights.
News and events
Palestinian man sues Shin Bet for torture | Haaretz
A prisoner has filed a High Court petition asking that the military prosecution open a case against investigators in the Shin Bet security service for torture against him.
Incitement charges threatened against Amira Hass | Middle East Monitor
Amira Hass has been attacked for writing an article discussion Palestinians rights to throw stones as a means of self-defence.
Vote Zaytoun! | Guardian
Zaytoun have made it through to the 2nd round of My Green Directory’s Pea-ple’s Award for ethical business. Vote today!
Britain needs to make amends to the people of Palestine | Govt e-petition

6 April | Sodastream protest | Brighton

9 April | Talk: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine | Cardiff
11 April-18 May | Palestinian exhibition: Resilience & Light | Canterbury
BBC defends false claims | EI
Amena Saleem writes about the BBC Trust’s defence of their Rachel Corrie misreporting
Vote for Emad Burnatt | Time
Vote for Emad Burnatt to be on Time’s list of most influential people.
UCU cleared of anti-semitism | Liberal Conspiracy
Further coverage of the failed attempt by a supporter of Israel to prevent his trade union from having a policy in favour of BDS and critical of Israel – this time from Ben White.

From 11 April | Film: Palestine Film Festival – pre-Festival period | London
From 12 April | Art: Dor Guez 40 Days | London
2 May | An evening for PSC | London
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