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The Palestine Solidarity Campaign works for peace & justice for Palestinians, in support of human rights & against all racism
Samer Issawi – victory for his hunger strike
Help us to campaign for Palestinian human rights – join PSC today.
Palestine Solidarity Campaign led events and campaigns across the country for Palestinian Prisoners’ Day focused against G4S.
The day was also an opportunity to continue the campaign for Palestinian prisoner, Samer Issawi. He had been on hunger strike for more than 8 months following his re-arrest. He had previously been released as part of the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange. He has been victorious in his steadfast refusal to be removed from Jerusalem. Samer has now agreed with the Israel authorities he will be released to his home in Jerusalem but have to serve another 8 months.
Following the protests the Financial Times published an article about G4S pulling out of some operations in the West Bank, but PSC has highlighted G4S intend to continue prison contracts in Israel – in violation of Palestinian human rights. Tell G4S CEO they must pull out of their contracts with Israel.
Campaigners in Liverpool for Palestinian prisoners. See more photos from the day>
Keep up the pressure on G4S – they must stop profiting from Israel’s illegal detention and torture of Palestinians.
An evening for Palestine Solidarity
Want to see more campaigning for Palestinian human rights? Donate to PSC today. Donate now
Where else would you get a Palestinian three course dinner, plus videos, poetry, entertainment and talks for £10 per ticket? Join His Excellency Manuel Hassassian – Palestinian Ambassador, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Dr Anas Altikriti – BMI, Baroness Jenny Tonge, Lutfur Rahman – Mayor of Tower Hamlets, and many others for a wonderful evening to support PSC. Watch the video intro>
Lessons from Gaza: solidarity with Palestine!
The central message for the more than 250 delegates at the Lessons from Gaza conference was that solidarity with Palestine is the key. Gaza is indivisible from Palestine, and Palestinians – in Gaza, Jerusalem, the West Bank, in Israel or in exile, can not be divided. Palestinians want our assistance with the work we are best placed to do – such as lobbying our Governments and campaigning locally. The majority of speakers were Palestinians, and conference delegates heard from Gaza and the West Bank via Skype. Watch Jeremy Corbyn MP open the conference>
Creative comms: Stephen Sizer
Ethnic cleansing 1948-today demonstration
Nakba demo
Join PSC, Parliamentarians, Palestinians in exile and many others to protest against Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians – the Palestinian Nakba (catastrophe).

Saturday 18 May 11am-1pm

Old Palace Yard,
Opposite Parliament, LondonJoin this event on facebook>

News and events
Israel apologists take top jobs at BBC | EI
Israelis support colonisation| Times of IsraelA poll shows that 80% of Israelis support the colonisation of the West Bank.

US to give Israel more arms | BBC
MPs Question Hague | PSC
This week MPs Richard Burden & Lisa Nandy raised dodgy labelling – with goods from settlements imported as ‘made in Israel’
Israel security ‘allowed’ to read tourists’ emails | Ma’an
Israel violates ceasefire (again) | Ma’an
27 April|Sodastream protest|Brighton
28 April|Meeting: Palestine: An eye witness account|Bromley

30 April|Screening: 5 Broken Cameras|Chiswick

30 April|Show: This Is Not A Subject For Comedy|Hackney

30 April|Meeting: Palestine|Coventry

From 3 May|Palestine Film Festival| London

5 May|Walk the Tyne for Palestine|Newburn, nr Newcastle

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