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Paying our respects to two great patrons of PSC
Please join PSC and become part of the solidarity movement for Palestine.
Supporters of Palestinian rights, justice and equality have lost two incredible figures over the last few days – Bob Crow and Tony Benn. Thousands came out to line the route of Bob Crow’s funeral this week, to pay their respects. You can add your respects by contributing to the RMT’s book of condolences>
On Thursday 27th March PSC will be honouring Tony Benn – who alongside Bob Crow – was a patron of Palestine Solidarity Campaign.
Bob Crow's funeral
Jeremy Corbyn’s picture of Bob Crow’s funeral
We will be paying our respects by gathering in Parliament Square from 10.15am opposite St Margaret’s Church, Westminster, where the funeral service will start at 11am.
Although the funeral is invitation only, many people will want to pay their respects by lining the streets for this great figure who made such a towering contribution over decades to the movements for peace, social justice and equality.
Please join us there. #TurnOutForTony
Get involved in the campaign against G4S complicity
Please support PSC and help our campaigning to end companies’ complicity with Israel’s human rights abuses. Donate now
G4S demo
Join PSC’s campaign against G4S’ complicity in Israel’s crimes. Join our protest outside G4S on Thursday 17th April (Palestinian prisoners day).
The momentum against G4S is building up. PSC campaigned with StopG4S and others, calling on the BBC not to award a multi-million pound security contract to G4S. And we have been successful, with the contract being awarded to another company.
Last year the Government issued guidelines warning companies of the reputational, legal and economic risks of doing business with Israel’s occupation. Take action online and urge your MP to press the British Government to promote their business advice with British businesses, like G4S.
Trade union conference for Palestine
A Palestine Solidarity Campaign conference for delegates
from trade unions, sponsored by the TUC
Saturday 5 April 2014
at TUC Congress House, Great Russell St, London WC1B 3LS
If you are an active trade unionist and PSC member please join us to hear about the latest developments from speakers, including trade unionists, from Palestine and from the trade union and solidarity movement in Britain.
Just as for apartheid in South Africa, international solidarity can make a key contribution in the struggle for liberation. And over the last few years, we have seen a massive surge in trade union solidarity.
This conference will discuss the next steps in the struggle for peace and justice for Palestine. Specialist strands will focus on particular areas of work – from targeting complicit firms and ending the arms trade, to building the campaign within unions at local and national level.
We have a limited number of places for PSC members who are involved in trade unions, to join with delegates from TUC-affiliated unions and trade union branches affiliated to PSC.
News and events
Stone Cold Justice | Four Corners
The Australian documentary on child prisoners. Watch and share with friends.
Israeli troops kill 3 in Jenin refugee camp | PCHR
Twelve other Palestinians were wounded in the attack.

King’s College London Students’ Union vote in favour of BDS| Roar
Scottish Parliament School visit | Dunbarton News
Children visited the Scottish Parliament to learn more about Palestinian water issues.
Arab Summit rejects Israel’s ‘Jewish State’ demand | Ma’an News
Al Walajah faces slow death | EI
Fri 28 March The 2014 Edward W. Said London Lecture by Raja Shehadeh, British Museum, London Read More
Sat 29 March London BDS Fortnightly Sodastream Action, Outside John Lewis Dept Store, London Read More
Sat 29 March Weekly Protest Against Sodastream, in Brighton Read More
Tues 1 April Education under Occupation – stories from West Bank and Gaza students, central London Read More
Tues 1 April Film: Children in Chains, Milton Keynes Read More
Tues 2 April Launch of UK-Palestine Mental Health Network, central London Read More
Thurs 3 April Life in Palestine under Israeli occupation, Bath Read More
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