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Support the Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike

PSC released a statement after Palestinian prisoners suspended the hunger strike after Israeli authorities yielded to the demand to enter negotiations with the prisoners’  chosen leaders: https://palestinecampaign.org/psc-statement-dignity-won-struggle-continues/  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ On Monday 17 April, over 1,100 Palestinian prisoners held across jails in Israel began a historic hunger strike under the leadership of Marwan Barghouti. Now, their numbers have …

Minister responds on child prisoners

Alistair Burt, Foreign Office Minister responsible for the Middle East, has responded to Sir Geoffrey Bindman QC, Lisa Nandy MP and Action 4 Palestinian Children’s letter raising concerns about the lack of progress for Palestinian children imprisoned by Israel. Alistair Burt says “I share your concerns about the treatment of Palestinian children detained in Israeli …

Scottish TUC votes to support BDS against G4S

Scottish Trades Union Congress voted on Tuesday 15th April to heed the Palestinian call to join the boycott, disinvestment and sanctions campaign against G4S, the British-Danish ‘secure outsourcing group’. They called specifically for the Scottish Government to cancel G4S’s new contract for tagging of offenders and endorsed the UK StopG4S Campaign. The motion passed at STUC reads: …

Alistair Burt (parliamentary copyright images are reproduced with the permission of Parliament)

Reply to #3wishes campaign from Alistair Burt

  Palestine Solidarity Campaign has received a reply from Alistair Burt, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Foreign & Commonwealth Office.  Although he says he ‘shares concerns about the treatment of Palestinian children in Israeli military detention’ he does not commit the Government to any action other than raising the issues with the Israeli Government. He also …