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Lessons from Gaza conference
Saturday 13 April 10.30-4.30
Brunei Gallery, SOAS (London University)
Join us to discuss transforming public support into political action on Palestine. Book today to secure your place.
The sessions are:
  • 21st Century Palestine: new challenges, new opportunities
  • Gaza: surviving siege, challenging occupation
  • Challenges & opportunities for the solidarity movement
Speakers include:
Diana Alzeer | Jeremy Corbyn MP | Kamel Hawwash | Jamal Juma’ | Ghada Karmi | Jamal El Khoudary| Hugh Lanning | Nur Masalha | Patricia McKeown | Maha Rezeq | Khalil Abu Shammala | Phyllis Starkey |
£10 waged£5 unwaged
Open to those who agree with the aims & objectives of PSC
Keep taking action – Palestinian prisoners
Support Palestine Solidarity Campaign – every penny counts. Donate now
Hunger Striker Intifada
Campaigners at the ‘Lessons of Apartheid’ meeting organised by PSC, MEMO & JfJfP this week showed their support for the hunger strikers.
Samer Issawi and Ayman Sharawna are on hunger strike in protest at their continuing imprisonment and the threat of imprisonment on secret charges for 20 and 28 years respectively. Jafar Azzidine and Tarek Qa’adan are on long term hunger strike in protest at their imprisonment without charge or trial – administrative detention. All four have suffered very serious health complications and face death. Help us to challenge these injustices – don’t let them die from our silence.
Contact the Foreign Office today by phone or email making the following points:
  • It is unacceptable for Samer to be imprisoned for 20 years in prison for leaving Jerusalem and on the basis of secret evidence. The British Government must oppose this sentencing and call for the immediate release of Samer, Ayman, Jafar and Tarek
  • The UK and other States should make sure that the Israeli Authorities don’t violate the terms of the historic prisoner release by re-arresting those who were released
  • Israel’s use of Administrative Detention – holding Palestinian prisoners without charge or trial – must be stopped.
Sodastream – thank you
Last week we asked you to complain to the Independent about their promotion of Sodastream – a company that operates from an illegal settlement in the West Bank.
The Independent responded by saying:
Thank you for taking the time to set out your views about the competition we ran last week. The competition has now closed and we will bear in mind for the future what you have said.”
We will hold them to that. Thanks for all your complaints. Please use our template letter to write to your local shops which stock Sodastream.
Attribution PeterM2000
Picture: PeterM 2000
News and events
Red Card Israeli Racism |BDS France
Short film explaining why the UEFA Under 21 Championship shouldn’t be held in Israel
Calls for inquiry into custody death of Arafat Jaradat | UN
The UN has joined calls for an independent inquiry into the death of this young Palestinian father.
Protection of civilians | UN
The UN have produced the latest in their weekly reports – well worth reading.
Envoys urge sanctions on Israel| PNNHanan Ashrawi welcomed the leaked EU envoys report stressing it was of the “utmost urgency for European countries to follow this courageous assessment with concrete and tangible steps”
until 16 March |Exhibition: Refractions London
until 9 March | Theatre: My Name is Rachel Corrie | Scotland
Sat 2 March | Protest against Sodastream | Brighton

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